Grove’s Eco-Friendly Trash Bags Review

Waste, trash, rubbish, whatever you call it, we all have it. Unless you’re a perfect zero waster, then trash bags are just one of those things you probably have to add to your shopping list every once and awhile. Once I realized Grove Collaborative had trash bags, I knew I had to give them a try. Grove’s trash bags are 100% post-consumer recycled plastic, and the one I tested for this review is the drawstring version. I’ve been using it for about 3 months now and here’s how Grove’s “eco-friendly” trash bag has performed.

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Overall Score






Ease of Use




What I Liked

  • Made from 100% Recycled Post-Consumer Content

What I Didn't Like

  • Bags are more fragile than I expected.

Do I recommend this product?

Yes, I do. The overall scoring for Grove’s trash bags in this review is an 18 out of 20 possible stars which equates to a 90%. In my experience, Grove’s trash bags did just what I needed them too. But, if you feel like you’re carrying a monster truck tire everytime you take out the trash then maybe consider a different brand. Grove’s recycled trash bags did lean on the thinner side for me.

grove recycled content trash bags


Grove’s recycled trash bags did what I needed them too. They held the trash, and for the most part successfully kept the trash inside the bag. In the (almost) 3 months of testing the bags, only one leaked at all. That particular bag only dripped a little bit into the trash can but didn’t leak as I carried it to the dumpster. I took off a star because of that simply because the bags I was using before never ever leaked.


Similarly, the drawstrings were also on the more fragile side. But let’s talk about that in the durability section. 


These 100% recycled content trash bags are definitely thinner than what I was expecting. They look thin and they feel thin. I was honestly scared that they were going to rip everytime I pulled a bag out of the trash can. But, to my surprise and happiness, the bags did not tear at all (except for wherever that one leak came from). 


On the other hand, the drawstrings have broken several times for me. The drawstrings tend to stretch a lot. As they stretch they get really thin and eventually they just break apart. But, when that happened to me it was always above the knot. Now I typically just carry it from below the knot (after you tie the strings) and I haven’t had any breakage…but I have been scared it would break. 


My commute for these bags is from my apartment, down the hall, down some steps, down the street, and then finally into the dumpster. If your trip is at all shorter then I really think you have nothing to be concerned about here.

Ease of Use

Grove’s trash bags are easy to use, they work just like any other drawstring trash bag. At first glance, I was concerned they wouldn’t fit my 13 gallon trash can but they actually fit it perfectly.


These trash bags come with a paper cuff. Overall, the packaging is minimal and I’m okay with the paper cuff. It can be easily recycled and it slides right off. There is no adhesive involved.


As for the whole shipment I got from Grove, their packaging is still 5 out of 5. They ship with completely recyclable or compostable materials and there isn’t any plastic involved in their packaging. They don’t even include a packing slip. Overall, I think they’re packaging and shipping is very thoughtful and right on par for the industry. 

top of grove packaging box

Cost and Comparability

It’s a common myth that green alternatives are more expensive than a normal product. Unfortunately that is true with Grove’s recycled  trash bags.


To get the numbers for the products below, I use Grove’s pricing for the Grove trash bags and all other data comes from Walmart’s website.On Walmart’s website I look for popular items that are available in-store that day. I do this because Walmart generally has the most competitive prices.

Table 1. Trash Bag Cost Comparison

Brand Count Total Cost (USD) Cost Per bag (USD)
Grove Co. 100% Recycled Plastic Trash Bags - Drawstring
Great Value Sustainable Kitchen Trash Bags (Strong Flex, Drawstring) (65% Recycled Content)
Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags (Fabuloso Scent, Drawstring)
Glad ForceFlex Tall Kitchen Trash Bags (Mediterranean Lavender Scent, Febreze Freshness)

Looking at the costs per bag, Grove’s bags are clearly the most expensive by far. So what does this mean? It really depends on you and your budget. I use so few trash bags that a more expensive brand isn’t going affect my budget. But if you are taking out the trash every other day, then Grove’s bags might not be for you. 


If Grove’s recycled content trash bags don’t work for your budget, that’s okay. Sometimes you have to spend wisely, and that might mean taking a few extra dollars and putting it towards trash bags. Or, it might mean putting it toward Stasher bags. Or, some other sustainable swap that makes more sense for your lifestyle when you only have so much money to spend. 


If you have the option, then opt for recycled plastic in your trash bags. I always did my best to find them when I could, but be aware, it’s hard to find them. I always encountered stocking issues or stores just simply not offering any recycled content bags at all.

grove recycled content trash bags

Beware of Subscriptions

Grove does offer subscriptions. One thing to keep in mind is that when you order an item through them, it automatically enrolls those items in the subscription program for you. You have to wait until the order is processed to adjust the subscription, but you can cancel it immediately after. I can usually do it within a few minutes of placing the order.

I’ve always canceled it right after because I don’t need to re-up my cleaning supplies but maybe once a year. I’m cleaning for one person and so I just don’t need that many things. If you’re someone that’s cleaning for a household of 4 or 5 then a subscription might be a blessing. I can think of a few people that would really love a subscription for household cleaning supplies.

Subscription Options

Once you process your order, you can navigate to “Product Subscriptions” under your account tab in the top right of their site. From there you can choose a shipping frequency of 1, 2, 3, or 6 months for that particular item. But here’s where it might get a little tricky.


Scheduled shipments need to reach a $29 minimum for VIP members or $49 for non-VIP members. What that means is, if only one item for $12 is set to refill for the current month, it won’t go through. It will get added to next month’s shipment, and so on until you eventually reach the minimum amount.

That could be a little annoying if you’re not buying that much from them, which is why I tend to buy a lot at once and then cancel the subscription afterwards. But Grove says this shipping method helps them stay true to their carbon neutral shipping.


If you want to see more information on how that works from the source, check out these links:

What makes this a sustainable choice?

What makes these bags a sustainable choice for you is their recycled content. Grove makes these bags using 100% post-consumer recycled content which is great. That’s great because some bags will only contain a partial percentage of recycled content, rather than 100%. Buying these bags also contributes to the demand for recycled plastic helping our recycling programs. It’s also made in America which is great for the economy but also great because your products are likely coming from the same continent. That could help cut down on carbon emissions too. 


Grove also partnered with Living Lands and Waters to pull a pound of plastic from the ocean for every 50 rolls sold. I think that’s great, but 50 rolls is a lot, and it feels a bit gimmicky to me which is why I didn’t put it in the “Things I Like” section. But, it’s still a nice thing.


Lastly, Grove is a good sustainable brand to support (they’re a B Certified Corporation). Buying their products is supporting their mission and other plastic-free initiatives, even if it’s indirectly. But, at the end of the day, the most sustainable thing is to reduce. The more you can reduce and recycle, the more you can avoid sending to landfill. That means you’ll need less and less trash bags and create less and less demand for plastic of any kind. But, as an essential for most of us, I like these bags. They will be my trash bag of choice for the foreseeable future.

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If you’re interested in other Grove Collaborative products, you can find all the products I’ve tried right here!

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