About Andrew

Who am I?

I’m no expert in environmental science, but I recently graduated with a degree in Biology and English. I have a deep love for all things science and writing and I’m excited I get to marry my passions in a blog about sustainability.

I’m new to blogging and I’m looking to share what I’ve learned, how I’m growing, and where I’m going in this journey of living sustainably.

What's my goal?

The sustainability movement is and will be growing for the foreseeable future (hopefully forever). My goal is to make the movement as accessible as I can for beginners while also engaging experienced vets. 

It’s very easy to see sustainable superstars on Instagram and YouTube and instantly feel a little guilt and shame at how our lives compare. 

I’m excited to empower and encourage people to take steps both big and small everyday. 

My Background

I consider the beginning of my journey to have taken place about 5 years ago when I began ditching single-use plastics. I said goodbye to the straws, grocery bags, and water bottles and hello to reusables. 

I think many of us start there and I’m happy to report that I’ve only grown deeper in my commitment to living a more sustainable life. Now I’m taking the next step in helping others to do the same.