Stasher – Are Stasher bags worth the hype (and your money)?

I first found Stasher when I was looking for a more travel-friendly alternative to glass containers. I would always carry snacks to class, the beach, or on long car rides and glass was just too risky for the clumsy person I am. Reusable silicone bags come with the promise of flexibility that glass doesn’t have and they save on space.


Stasher bags were actually my second venture into the reusable silicone world. I first tried Homelux Theory silicone bags from Amazon. I was happy at first but soon realized my food was going stale way too quickly. After some more searching, I discovered Stasher bags. I’ve been using my bags for almost 2 years now and there’s lots to cover so let’s get started.

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Overall Score






Ease of Use




Here’s a breakdown how the bags stand up in each of the individual assessment categories:

Does it get the job done? (Function)

Stasher bags overall store what I need to store, where I need to store it. I can (and do) prepare chicken marinades and freeze them, thaw them, and cook them all in the same bag. They work great for sandwiches on-the go, and have so many uses I’d be here for a week if I tried listing them all.


So why the missing star? I’m deducting a star because you might find, like I did, that you need more space than some product titles might lead you to believe. The sandwich size bag won’t fit thicker sandwiches or bread that isn’t a typical square-shaped slice. That was frustrating to work around, and a little annoying when it came time to purchase more, larger options because of it. 


It’s certainly not a deal breaker, but it was a sad day when I realized my “Sandwich” bags wouldn’t fit most of my sandwiches. Bread like Dave’s Killer Bread can be difficult to squeeze through the opening of the Sandwich sized bags, if you can get it to fit at all. 

And even though my slice of bread might make the bag look massive, the opening is really what limits your sandwich size. On top of that, even if you can squeeze it in, the crumbs that fall off will make you wish you hadn’t.


For larger items like rectangular sandwiches or thick sandwiches, I’d recommend the Stand-Up Mid. It might be a little too big but I just press the air out before I seal it. I’d rather have too much space than not enough. 

Is it durable?

In my experience, yes. I’ve put many of mine through daily use and I haven’t had any rips, any messes I couldn’t get clean, or stains I couldn’t get rid of. However, I am always a little afraid that I’m going to rip a bag because I know others have. 


Wear and tear might be different based on how you use them and who is using them in your family. 22 year old college students and infants engaging in sensory play are one thing, toddlers that grab and pull might be a different story. I recommend checking out their Instagram and reviews to see how they hold up for other people and their families.

Ease of Use

They’re very easy to use. 


If you’ve used classic plastic zip-seal bags then you can definitely use these. When it comes to cleaning, I’ve never had to put in any elbow grease to get them clean, the dishwasher has always been just fine. 


I’ve stored ultra oily leftovers, marinades, jams, and more. I’ve only ever stained one with soy sauce and I had to leave it in the sun for a couple hours, that was just a minor inconvenience. (Yes, that actually works!)

Do I want to show it off? (Appearance)

Yes, absolutely! I especially love showing off the cabinet I store them in. After you’re done here, checkout posts on Instagram and you’ll see tons of pictures of peoples drawers and cabinets gorgeously color coded. These definitely lend themselves to an aesthetic kitchen.

Would I recommend this product?

I do recommend Stasher bags, all the time in fact. If you have a need for plastic bags then you could use these. It’s as simple as that. 


BUT, in giving a recommendation, I recognize that Stasher is expensive. And I recommend them only if it is financially accessible to you. I’ll talk more alternatives in the “Alternatives” section below.

So what is Stasher?

Stasher is a company super focused on eliminating single-use plastics at a particular and ultra common moment in our daily lives, when we’re packaging food in the kitchen. Primarily known for their food-related uses, Stasher has an impressive line of reusable bags that can be used to store anything from food and fluid to iPhones, sunglasses, and more.

What is the product?

Stasher has 8 different size bags, but they all function the same way. They are essentially the upgraded version of the plastic baggies you’d find in an average school lunch box. 


Stasher bags feature premium grade silicone that they claim does not degrade over time. Stasher also says their bags are free of BPA, BPS, lead, latex, and phthalates. 


You’ll be using these bags to store leftovers in the fridge, freeze excess meet, prep steak sous vide, microwave those leftovers and more. 


Aside from food-related uses, I’ve personally used my bags to store my phone, keys, and wallet when going to the beach. I’ve even used my pocket sized bag to keep medications in when I need to space them throughout the day while I’m on the go. 


Stasher products are microwave, oven, freezer, and dishwasher safe. You can even put them in boiling water (hints the sous vide). All those things make for an undeniably versatile product line.

What options do I have to buy?

As of 08/2021 Stasher has 8 different style bags you can purchase. They are listed below and hyperlinked to Stashers official website:

Half Gallon

Stand-Up Mega

Stand-Up Mid

Stand-Up Mini


Go Bag



I love putting trail mix in my snack sized bags! The Stand-Up Mini, Mid, and Sandwich sizes are my go to’s for lunch-time sandwiches. Things like brownies and cookie batches work well in the Stand-Up Mid and Mega. And my Pocket sized bag is great for chapstick, loose earrings, pills or small snack portions.


 There are a million possible uses and Stasher has excellent social media when it comes to showcasing all the ways you can use their products. I’ve never visited a site more for tips, tricks, and uses. If you buy their bags, I recommend just browsing their social media accounts and website for all the need-to-knows. 

Cost and Comparability

There’s no hiding the high cost of Stasher bags. If you’re frugal and want to save money while saving the planet then, like me, you’re probably interested in how many uses you’ll need out of a Stasher bag to get it’s money’s worth.


But before I go into the math, it’s important to remember how Stasher compares in non-financial ways as well. It’s clear that as a reusable Stasher beats single-use plastic bags and will save use from more plastic waste with each use. 


With that said, below I strictly discuss financial comparability. I consider Stasher worth the cost. But for some people, cost and savings are real barriers and limit accessibility. If you’re unsure if you can afford to make the Stasher-sized leap, this might help you decide. 


If Stasher doesn’t seem like the best choice for you, then make sure to check out my less costly alternatives in the next section.

Based on these numbers, you would need to use each Stasher bag a STAGGERING amount of times to come out in the positives. The sandwich Stasher would need to see 420 uses in order to start saving you money, and the snack Stasher 309 uses. 


In really loose terms, a parent would need to use the same bag for their kids’ lunches every day of school for two school years to start saving money.  That’s crazy. 


Without a doubt, your Stasher bags will get you that many uses, and likely last longer provided you treat them well. I love mine, and still recommend them to those that find them accessible. If that’s not you, there are plenty of other options that might even be more kid-friendly or just plain cuter.


Just like when I watch people my age (23) purchase million dollar homes on HGTV, as I scroll through Stasher on Instagram I wonder what kind of job allows for a fully color coded Stasher drawer of 30+ bags. 



Because Stasher costs so much, I sometimes recommend experimenting with lower cost products. Especially if you’re new to this kind of reusable product. 


Unless you need the oven safe and sous vide compatibility features Stasher offers, then places like Target offer great alternatives. Products like (re)zip and Full Circle bags are cheaper. Target even has their own store brand silicone reusable bags! 


These will let you know if you’re actually going to use the product enough for it to be worth it, before you shell out the big bucks.

What makes this a sustainable choice?

First, and most obvious, is that Stasher bags replace single use plastic bags. That’s something we can all get behind. Stasher also claims their products are endlessly reusable. 


What really tops the cake is their end of life program. If or when your Stasher bag needs to be retired, they have a take-back program where they recycle the product for you. All you have to do is put it in the mail for them. 

Does Stasher have any special certifications?

Certified B Corporation

Additional Links

If you’d prefer to purchase from Amazon, you can find the mentioned products at the following links:

Half Gallon

Stand-Up Mega

Stand-Up Mid


Go Bag




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In case you didn’t catch my post about 16 eco-friendly holiday gifts to give this season, you can check it out here.

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